Saturday 4 July 2015

Stage 3! The suffering begins.....

Today was stage 3 From Antwerp to Hoy, 100 miles. Today was the hottest yet, 38c around Liege. Struggling to keep on top of fluids, despite a litre per hour all day! 

The last climb up to Hoy was fun. Watch for it when the pros do. It's 19% for a good whack, but I kept thinking I've done hardknott pass and that was much steeper!! 

Few moments of 'realisation' today over what the Tour De France is really about. My legs felt strong, almost 15 ave, at 138ave heart rate (but that was not accurate as was close to heat stroke at 1pm!!). 

Now at a camp site, sadly it's quite a 'loud' happening camp site. Hope I get a good nights sleep as tomorrow is the longest day of the tour, 138 miles. I'm expecting a 8am to 8pm ride! 

Friday 3 July 2015

Stage 2!

Thought I would use todays blog to document the humour of the Tour De France. Here are some comical moments from the last two days.

1) Bryan (driver) trying to close the van door after having a toilet trip at 4am. Door wouldn't close. 13 slams later. In the morning "Did I wake you last night?"

2) Amazing tan lines already!

4) No, my bike is not electric sir.

5) missing the finish line and cycling a further 5km. Then sat at bus stop in the shade with some 'Cool teenagers' who found my bike and yellow cap hilarious!